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Torch Inference Service

This service serves closed source models via a TorchInferenceWorkflow object, encapsulating the backend, preprocessing, and postprocessing logic

PyTorch is an open source deep learning framework that provides a flexible platform for building and deploying machine learning models. This service allows you to deploy and run PyTorch models for various inference tasks, such as image classification, object detection, or natural language processing.

Infernet Configuraton

The service can be configured as part of the overall Infernet configuration in config.json.

    "log_path": "infernet_node.log",
    //...... contents abbreviated
    "containers": [
            "id": "css_inference_service",
            "image": "your_org/css_inference_service:latest",
            "external": true,
            "port": "3000",
            "allowed_delegate_addresses": [],
            "allowed_addresses": [],
            "allowed_ips": [],
            "command": "--bind= --workers=2",
            "env": {
                "MODEL_SOURCE": 1,
                // ARWEAVE
                "LOAD_ARGS": "{\"repo_id\": \"Ritual-Net/sk2torch-example\", \"filename\": \"model.torch\"}",
                "USE_JIT": "false"

Supported Model Sources

The ONNX inference service supports the following model sources:

class ModelSource(IntEnum):
    Enum for the model source

    LOCAL = 0
    ARWEAVE = 1

and the following LOAD_ARGS are common across these model sources:

class CommonLoadArgs(BaseModel):
    Common arguments for loading a model

    model_config = ConfigDict(frozen=True)

    cache_path: Optional[str] = None
    version: Optional[str] = None
    repo_id: str
    filename: str

Environment Variables


  • Description: The source of the model
  • Default: None


  • Description: The arguments to load with the model
  • Default: None


  • Description: Whether to use JIT compilation
  • Default: False


Inference requests to the service that orginate offchain can be initiated with python or cli by utilizing the infernet_client package, as well as with HTTP requests against the infernet node directly (using a client like cURL).

The schema format of a infernet_client job request looks like the following:

class JobRequest(TypedDict):
    """Job request.

        containers: The list of container names.
        data: The data to pass to the containers.

    containers: list[str]
    data: dict[str, Any]
    requires_proof: NotRequired[bool]

The schema format of a infernet_client job result looks like the following:

class JobResult(TypedDict):
    """Job result.

        id: The job ID.
        status: The job status.
        result: The job result.
        intermediate: Job result from intermediate containers.

    id: str
    status: JobStatus
    result: Optional[ContainerOutput]
    intermediate: NotRequired[list[ContainerOutput]]

class ContainerOutput(TypedDict):
    """Container output.

        container: The container name.
        output: The output of the container.

    container: str
    output: Any

Web2 Request

Please note: the examples below assume that you have an infernet node running locally on port 4000.

from infernet_client.node import NodeClient
california_housing_vector_params = {
    "dtype": 1, # double
    "shape": (1, 8),
    "values": [[8.3252, 41.0, 6.984127, 1.02381, 322.0, 2.555556, 37.88, -122.23]],

client = NodeClient("")
job_id = await client.request_job(
    "model_source": 1, # ARWEAVE
    "load_args": {
        "repo_id": "your_org/model",
        "filename": "california_housing.torch",
        "version": "v1"
    "inputs": {"input": {**california_housing_vector_params, "dtype": "double"}}

result = (await client.get_job_result_sync(job_id))["result"]["output"]

# Note that the sync flag is optional and will wait for the job to complete.
# If you do not pass the sync flag, the job will be submitted and you will receive a job id, which you can use to get the result later.
infernet-client job -c SERVICE_NAME -i input.json --sync
where input.json looks like this:
    "model_source": 1,
    "load_args": {
        "repo_id": "your_org/model",
        "filename": "california_housing.torch",
        "version": "v1"
    "inputs": {"input": {"values": [[8.3252, 41.0, 6.984127, 1.02381, 322.0, 2.555556, 37.88, -122.23]], "shape": [1, 8], "dtype": "double"}}

curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"containers": ["SERVICE_NAME"], "data": {"model_source": 1, "load_args": {"repo_id": "your_org/model", "filename": "california_housing.torch", "version": "v1"}, "inputs": {"input": {"values": [[8.3252, 41.0, 6.984127, 1.02381, 322.0, 2.555556, 37.88, -122.23]], "shape": [1, 8], "dtype": "double"}}}}'

Web3 Request (onchain subscription)

You will need to import the infernet-sdk in your requesting contract. In this example, we showcase the Callback pattern, which is an example of a one-off subscription. Please refer to the infernet-sdk documentation for further details.

Input requests should be passed in as an encoded byte string. Here is an example of how to generate this for a Torch inference request:

from infernet_ml.utils.codec.vector import encode_vector
from infernet_ml.utils.model_loader import ModelSource
from infernet_ml.utils.codec.vector import DataType
from eth_abi.abi import encode

input_bytes = encode(
    ["uint8", "string", "string", "string", "bytes"],
        ModelSource.ARWEAVE,  # model source
        "your_org/model",  # repo_id
        "california_housing.torch",  # filename
        "v1",  # version
            values=[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]],  # example values
            shape=(1, 4),

Here is an example of how to implement the on-chain portion. We will define the necessary functions within the contract according to application-specific requirements.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {CallbackConsumer} from "infernet-sdk/consumer/Callback.sol";

contract MyOnchainSubscription is CallbackConsumer {

    constructor(address registry) CallbackConsumer(registry) {}

    // Function to predict housing prices
    function predictHousingPrice(bytes memory inputs) public returns (bytes32) {
        string memory containerId = "my-container";
        uint16 redundancy = 1;
        address paymentToken = address(0);
        uint256 paymentAmount = 0;
        address wallet = address(0);
        address verifier = address(0);

        bytes32 generatedTaskId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(inputs, block.timestamp));
        console.log("Generated task ID, now requesting compute");


        console.log("Requested compute");
        return generatedTaskId;

    // Function to receive the compute result
    function receiveCompute(
        bytes32 taskId,
        bytes memory output,
        bytes memory proof
    ) public {
        console.log("Received output!");
        // Handle the received output and proof

You can call the predictHousingPrice() function with the encoded byte string from Python like so:

from web3 import Web3

# Assuming you have a contract instance
contract = w3.eth.contract(address=contract_address, abi=contract_abi)

# Call the function, `input_bytes` here is the same as the one generated above
tx_hash = contract.functions.predictHousingPrice(input_bytes).transact()

Delegated Subscription Request

Please note: the examples below assume that you have an infernet node running locally on port 4000.

from infernet_client.node import NodeClient
from infernet_client.chain_utils import Subscription, RPC

sub = Subscription(

client = NodeClient("")
nonce = random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1)
await client.request_delegated_subscription(
    expiry=int(time() + 10),
        "model_source": 1,
        "load_args": {"repo_id": "your_org/model", "filename": "california_housing.torch", "version": "v1"},
        "inputs": {"input": {"values": [[8.3252, 41.0, 6.984127, 1.02381, 322.0, 2.555556, 37.88, -122.23]], "shape": [1, 8], "dtype": "double"}}

infernet-client sub --rpc_url --address 0x19f...xJ7 --expiry 1713376164 --key key-file.txt \
    --params params.json --input input.json
# Success: Subscription created.
where params.json looks like this:
    "owner": "0x00Bd138aBD7....................", // Subscription Owner
    "active_at": 0, // Instantly active
    "period": 3, // 3 seconds between intervals
    "frequency": 2, // Process 2 times
    "redundancy": 2, // 2 nodes respond each time
    "containers": ["SERVICE_NAME"], // comma-separated list of containers
    "lazy": false,
    "verifier": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "payment_amount": 0,
    "payment_token": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "wallet": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
and where input.json looks like this:
"model_source": 1,
"load_args": {"repo_id": "your_org/model", "filename": "california_housing.torch", "version": "v1"},
"inputs": {"input": {"values": [[8.3252, 41.0, 6.984127, 1.02381, 322.0, 2.555556, 37.88, -122.23]], "shape": [1, 8], "dtype": "double"}}